Sakura Kasugano is a character in the Street Fighter series who made her debut in Street Fighter Alpha 2. She is a Japanese schoolgirl who has an intense fascination with Ryu. She has managed to copy and learn some of Ryu's techniques, but really wants him to train her personally.
She is the fourth female fighter in the series (after Chun-Li, Cammy and Rose). Here we have some image of Sakura Kasugano Costume Play Designs where you can see and you can download it below:
You can download and obtain the various of Sakura Kasugano Cosplay Designs images by click the download button below to get multiple high-resversions. Here is useful information about Cosplay Designs. We have the resource more pictures about Cosplay Designs. Check it out for yourself! You can find more Sakura Kasugano Designs behind the button below:
Sakura Kasugano Cosplay Design In Street Fighter Alpha 2